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◎ 福德,卷舌



Year of Birth

1948   1960   1972

1984   1996   2008


As there are auspicious blessing and charismatic stars (福德,天德,红鸾) shining on those born in the year of rat, you will generally have smooth sailing year ahead. However, Rat zodiac has conflicting relationship with Grand Duke (刑太岁) this year. Therefore, has to be cautious in managing relationship with your superiors, management, elderly parents, etc. Ensure you put in more effort in maintaining good relationship then you should be fine. Furthermore, as there is inauspicious star (卷舌) that cause tendency of involvement in politics and gossips, do put more focus on your own crucial matters instead and do not get involve unnecessary issues.


With blessing from auspicious stars, you may usher in more opportunities and benefactors this year to expand your career or business. However, due conflicting relationship with Grand Duke (刑太岁) this year, be careful on your relationship with business partners and stakeholders.


Though there are good auspicious stars shining on you this year, there could be potential financial stress from travel, health care.  Just do your financial planning and expense control well, take good care of your health, this can be overcome.


As there is charismatic star (红鸾), you have more opportunities to expand your network and build good relationships. Those who are single have more chances of meeting someone you adore. However, be gentle and sincere in forming relationship, do not be too bold or aggressive in your advances, else may not turn out well. Married couple have to restraint from external temptation.


Manage your stress level well and mental well-being, maintain positive when face with challenges. Lack of rest may repercussion into health issue or poor performance at work. Have sufficient time for rest and relax.


There are a few less auspicious stars (天狗,飛刃,吊客) befalling on Ox zodiac this year. As a result, you are advised to be more cautious and be careful especially during travelling aboard and driving, since there are potential for injuries and incidents. Moreover, you may experience more challenges this year. Good news is, there is an auspicious star (天解) to resolve your problems. In order to overcome your challenges, you have to be benevolent, steadfast and resilient. Accumulate your merits this year to avoid disaster.


Likely lesser chance of progression and sense of worries or confusion may set in. To overcome this, ensure that you are not influenced by rumours and unreliable information. Be clear headed and make decision based on rationale and reliable information. Meticulous in your documentation, do not overlook details.


Avoid high-risk and speculative investments since luck is not strong this year. Should not depend on rumours and unreliable information to seek wealth. Business owners should be vigilant, manage your finances and expenses well.


You may face with more anxiety and unsettling mind, remember to relax and keep calm. When experience pressure and conflict at work and home, be more considerate and tolerate, conflicts can be resolved. For singles, when encounter potential life partner, take more steps to validate their intention and sincerity before making further progress.


Be cautious in outdoor sports and high-risk activities, since you are more prone to unforeseen incident. When feeling unwell, do seek for medical advice early.


OX 牛

◎ 天狗,飛刃


Year of Birth

1949   1961   1973

1985   1997   2009



◎ 病符,亡神


Year of Birth

1950   1962   1974

1986   1998   2010


Average and stable luck in this year for those born in year of Tiger. You are advised not to over stress yourself and over work, take matters one step at a time. As there is inauspicious sickness (病符) star this year, avoid visiting those who are unwell, unless it is necessary. If you do acquire substantial wealth in this year, be cautious of any health implication.


Be ready to face with more fierce competition this year. Your competitor may even outperform you, and you feel demoralise. However, remain steady and diligent, wait for your opportunity to come.


Wealth luck may not be fantastic this year. Have to be cautious in your investment. Beware of people who might take advantage from you. When handling legal and contractual documentation, be more meticulous and check through the clauses.


For those who are already in relationship, this year have to take note on communication to avoid conflict. Good and healthy communication can bring your relationship to further and more loving level. For single, there are opportunities to meet their potential partner, but it is advised to build your relationship steadily and progressively.


Due to the presence of inauspicious sickness star (病符, 亡神), you need to pay attention to traffic safety to prevent accidents and injuries. Avoid visiting hospital and unwell people, unless its necessary. In addition, avoid pushing yourself to hard, as there is tendency for illness to be induced from overworking and stress in this year.


People who are born in the year of the Rabbit are in conflict with the Grand Duke (太歲 ‘Tai Sui’). More challenges and fluctuations in your luck this year. Make sure that you manage your stress and issues well. On the bright side, there are also some auspicious assistance stars (贵人, 金匱) to assist you in this year. Though it may be a more challenging year, it can be overcome as long as you keep yourself composed. It can be a rewarding year if you manage things well.


There is chance for career progression and promotion in this year, since auspicious assistance stars are shining on you this year. More appreciation and assistance at workplace. However, not forgetting due to conflict with Grand Duke, it is good ensure that you maintain good relationship with your management, business partners and stakeholders.


Though there is wealth luck because of presence of auspicious star (金匱), there is also issue in keeping and accumulating wealth. Keep your budget and expense in check. Avoid expenditure on unnecessary items. For business owners, you will need to be prudent and keep close watch on your cash outflow.


Singles do not have strong luck in finding companion in this year. There could be some brief romantic encounter but may not be lasting. For couple in committed relationship, exercise more self-control as there is chance to meet external bad romance and temptation. In addition, manage your emotion well and avoid venting your emotion on your other half.


More prone to health problem related to digestive system in this year. Take good care of yourself and have healthy diet. Be alert and vigilant during high-risk activities to avoid accidents. Seek medical attention early when feeling unwell to prevent it from deteriorating into more serious problem.



◎ 太歲,伏尸,



Year of Birth

1951   1963   1975

1987   1999   2011



◎ 太陽,天空,六害


Year of Birth

1952   1964   1976

1988   2000   2012


There is very auspicious star (太陽) in this year for those having Dragon zodiac. However, to harness this good luck you have to be benevolent and charitable, willing to accept responsibility when you are required. On the down side, there is inauspicious star (年殺) and also conflict with Grand Duke (害太岁), this will cause higher chance of involvement in politics, rumours and argument. As long as you manage your emotion well, ignore rumours, do not get into other people's business; and you will be fine.


With auspicious star (太陽), there will be more opportunity to shine and show your talents, more charismatic at work. Therefore, you can enjoy better career luck this year. Moreover, there may also be luck at oversea to seek career or business opportunity in foreign country. However, have to be cautious at work to prevent others from undermining and sabotaging you.


Have to be careful in managing your cashflow this year, since there is chance of spending beyond your means. For business owner, take more effort in managing your finances and expenditure. Avoid taking loans and serves as a guarantor for others unless necessary.


There is romance opportunity this year. Couple in committed relationship, have to be cautious temptation to prevent straining your relationship. For the singles, with your charisma, you have more chance to meet your ideal partner in this year. However, be patient and sincere when you are in new relationship, being over reacting or too aggressive can lead to unfavourable outcome.


Unless necessary, try to avoid places with strong negative energy, such as cemetery, mortuary, funeral parlour. Strong negative energy may induce illness in you. If you do need to visit these places, you should cleanse yourself after visiting such places, by taking a shower soon after visit. In addition, take care of your mental stress and also avoid burnout or exhaustion.


With auspicious traveling star (驛馬) and benefactor star (贵人), people born in year of Snake can expect changes, more opportunity and assistance this year. Changes may happen in career, housing, more travelling, etc.  However, beware of over tiring and putting too much pressure on yourself, since there is likely increase of work load and responsibility. At times you may feel that others do not understand or appreciate you, but do not be worry as you are actually well recognised.


You are likely to have a busier year. Changes may also be coming at work, such as change of company, job scope, increase in workload and responsibility. If you encounter obstacles, do approach and discuss with your superiors. As there is benefactor star shining on your zodiac this year, they might give you good support and advise. In addition, as long as you are putting in good effort, you are appreciated and recognised at work.


Take note of higher cashflow and expense. If you can manage your finances well, there is chances of accumulating more wealth this year. However, when travelling pay more attention in your belongings and valuable to prevent unnecessary sudden financial losses. For business and investment, make sure you have done your due diligent and get reliable information before making your move to avoid pitfalls.


Romance and networking luck are not so strong this year. Due to inauspicious Lone star (孤辰), your communication skill is not at optimum. You may feel more sense of loneliness or not get understood by others. Stay optimistic and be open to make new friends. For those in a relationship, good communication is the key for sustaining loving and long-term relationship. Avoid being too harsh and direct in your communication to prevent straining relationship.


Keep in check on your unhealthy life style habits, such as drinking and smoking, as they could affect your health this year. Under the influence of inauspicious stars (喪門, 地喪) you should also pay more attention to traffic safety and rules to prevent accidents. Avoid high risk physical activities to prevent injuries.



◎ 喪門,驛馬,破碎,


Year of Birth

1953   1965   1977

1989   2001   2013



◎ 太陰,勾絞,



Year of Birth

1954   1966   1978

1990   2002   2014


Auspicious Moon star (太陰) provides protection and peace, while Heavenly Bliss star (天喜) send happiness or happy occasions to those with Horse zodiac in this year. Therefore, those born in the year of horse can look forward for a relatively smooth year ahead. On the down side, Horse zodiac is in conflict with Grand Duke (破太岁), you may get involve in conflicts and argument in relationship more easily. Pay attention to your emotional control, stay calm and avoid venting frustration.


You are blessed with good auspicious stars this year, with potential to excel and progress in your career in this year. But presence of inauspicious conflict stars (勾絞, 貫索) could bring office conflicts, politics and gossips to you as well. Beware of negative people who might undermine or sabotage you. You are advised to maintain positive, do not get affected by noises around you and you will be fine.


You can enjoy good opportunity and investment luck this year. However, due to presence of inauspicious stars, there are also chance of sudden wealth loss. You have to beware of theft, scams and fraud to prevent sudden loss of wealth. During investing, make your decision based on rationale and reliable information. Not advise to get wealth through high-risk speculative investment and betting.


Good romance luck this year. Singles will stand good chance of meeting potential life partner. For those who are planning for marriage, this year will be good for wedding. Those who are in committed relationship can enjoy good bonding in this year.


Though likely there will be no major health issues in this year but prone to minor ones. Have healthy diet and regular exercise regime to improve immunity and healthy digestive system.


As there are inauspicious stars (五鬼, 浮沉) on Goat zodiac, therefore luck fluctuates with ups and downs for Goat zodiac. May experience uncertainty and difficulty in keeping focus. Keep your goals and focus clear, disregard any distractions and noises, and you will be fine. Do not attend to infringe rules and regulation, else there will be high chance of getting implications and bad consequence. Be meticulous in legal and contractual documents. On the bright side, Goat zodiac has auspicious bonding with Grand Duke (三合) and has auspicious Resolution star (天解). When encountered problems, do not be shy to ask for assistance and stay resilient, you will be able to overcome your challenges.


May experience some obstacles or stagnant in progression. Be meticulous in your documentation and emails to avoid repercussion and miscommunication. Luckily there is auspicious Resolution star (天解). With determination and by keeping yourself optimistic, obstacles can be overcome and you will start to make progress again. Reward and appreciation can only come after diligent hard work.


Wealth luck is not that great this year due to inauspicious stars (五鬼, 浮沉), thus avoid high risk investment. Do not be speculative, it is advisable to go for long-term stable investment instead. Be cautious in your wealth management this year. Avoid taking loans, lending your money and be guarantor, unless it’s really necessary. Do not be greedy and acquire wealth through unscrupulous means, there will be repercussion.


Romance luck is good. For single, there is a good opportunity in meeting your ideal partner. However, just be cautious not to fall prey to sweet talks and insincere people. For those who are already relationship, this is a good year for bonding and rekindling spark.


Illness can easily induce from work related stress, overwork or exhaustion in this year. Manage your work-life balance, cultivate healthy diet and exercise regime to improve health and manage stress level.



◎ 五鬼,三合,血刃,


Year of Birth

1955   1967   1979

1991   2003   2015



◎ 死符,小耗,


Year of Birth

1956   1968   1980

1992   2004   2016


Much improvement in luck from last year. People with Monkey zodiac can enjoy a smooth year ahead, as long as they practice benevolent and be charitable to those in needs. There is very auspicious Benevolent star (月德) and Benefactor (贵人) star shining on Monkey zodiac this year, you receive blessing when you help those in needs, and in turn, others will come to your assistance when you need them. You can also experience more positive energy and better opportunity this year.


Under the guidance of auspicious stars (地解, 月德, 贵人), there will be better chance of career advancement and receiving assistance at work. You are advised to make friends and expand your network in your career to get more opportunity. As there are inauspicious stars (死符, 小耗), you may hit some road block along the way. When encounter obstacles, you can overcome it as long as you remain positive and determine to resolve it. However, do beware of pitfall and attraction from opposite gender at work this year, as these can lead to unfavourable outcome if you fall for it.


Though there is wealth luck in this coming year, unfortunately there is also sign of wealth loss. There is chance for better income this year. It is also recommended to acquire wealth through regular income and stable lower risk investment this year. Due to inauspicious star (小耗), there is chance of sudden wealth loss, unexpected high expenditure, or tendency of exceeding your budget. Manage your finance well, increase your saving and reduce expenditure on unnecessary items.


Romance star is shining on Monkey zodiac this year. For single, good chance in meeting your ideal partner. For married couple, this year is a good year for family planning, with good chance to add new family member. However, strong romance luck can also bring undesired external romance attention, married couple have to be cautious.


Though likely there will be no major health issues in this year but prone to minor ones. Have healthy diet and regular exercise regime to improve immunity and healthy digestive system. Avoid places with strong negative energy, such as cemetery, mortuary, funeral parlour, unless it is necessary to visit these places. Strong negative energy may induce illness in you. If you do need to visit these places, you should cleanse yourself after visiting such places, by taking a shower soon after visit.


Due conflicting relationship between Rooster zodiac and Grand Duke (冲太岁) and presence of inauspicious stars (大耗, 月空, 災殺), you may find yourself in more uphill situations or matters not meeting your expectation this year. It will best to focus on own business and well-being first this year, disregards any toxic or negative vibes. Take good care of yourself and maintain good family harmony first. Steer clear from conflict and argument.


This year you may experience more unpleasant situation at workplace, which might demoralise you. You are advised to step away and stay chill, do not let your frustration and emotion takes over. Not a good year to make major decision or change in career, avoid risky move. Be meticulous and do not be complacent at work, and you will be fine.


The presence of the inauspicious stars (大耗, 月空, 災殺) shows signs of weaker wealth luck and challenge in accumulating wealth in this year. Be cautious and meticulous when making major financial decisions, also pay more attention to safe guarding your valuables. For business owners, monitor your expenditures closely so as not to run into cashflow problem.


Easier to get into conflicts and misunderstandings with your partner this year. Spend more effort in maintaining family harmony. Just be more considerate and tolerate, conflicts can be resolved. You may have to deal with gossipy environment and interpersonal issues. Keep calm and your emotional state in check. Singles will less chance of find their ideal partner this year. Though romance luck is not strong this year, it is advised to widen your social circle and find friends who shares similar interests and views.


Manage your stress level well and mental well-being, maintain positive when face with challenges. Lack of rest may repercussion into health issue or poor performance at work. Have sufficient time for rest and relax. Consult a doctor early when feeling unwell, delay treatment might cause mild illnesses to worsen later.



◎ 歲破,大耗,



Year of Birth

1957   1969   1981

1993   2005   2017



◎ 龍德,紫微,天厄

Year of Birth

1958   1970   1982

1994   2006   2018


Auspicious year for Dog zodiac. Enjoy a smooth or can even be a terrific year for you in 2023. This year is favourable for your wealth and career advancement. Those who are more academically inclined is also favourable for higher study and seek certification. Good year for arrange auspicious occasions, such wedding, birthday celebration, etc. If you have been planning for expansion of business and career, exploration of new interest or industry, this year will also be good for it. However, there is an inauspicious (天厄) star to look out, some hiccup can also be expected. Just manage the issue accordingly and carefully, should not affect your plans too drastically.


Good chance for career advancement, with good opportunity in this year. It will also likely be a hectic year for you, this in turn might bring pressure on you. Unexpected new task or responsibility might be assigned to you. Take care and manage your stress well. In addition, this year is good for networking, have more interaction with your colleagues and management to build more rapport and support.


Though wealth luck is good this year, with opportunity to increase income and gain from investment, there is an inauspicious (天厄) star to watch out. Beware of sudden unexpected high expenditure. Despite its an auspicious year for you, you still remain cautious with your money, especially when it comes to any investment or lending money.


Romance luck for Dog zodiac is fairly good this year. Single who has someone in mind to bring their relationship further to a committed one, this year will be good for this development. Married couple is also favourable to rekindle spark their relationship and bring their relationship to a even more loving level.


There is risk of developing illness from exhaustion, stress and poor diet habit in this year. Manage your work-life balance, cultivate healthy diet and exercise regime to improve health and manage stress level.


There are a few inauspicious stars, such as White Tiger star (白虎), Impact star (地殺) that will be affecting you. Therefore, you may encounter more challenging situations and disputes this year. Be steadfast and confident in facing obstacles, you will overcome them. Furthermore, you should avoid stepping into argument and conflict, as it may bring repercussion to you thereafter. It is advisable to avoid conflicts and be tolerant of others. Moreover, it is inauspicious for oversea travelling and driving in foreign country this year. If you need to do so, take care and be more cautious in your safety.


Under the influence of inauspicious stars, you should focus on your own task and responsibility. Do not meddle in others’ matters and dispute. Avoid overseas business trip this year unless necessary. However, if there is a need to travel for work, ensure that you understand foreign regulations well because failing to do so puts you at risk for potential problem. When dealing with legal and contractual documents, be meticulous. Ensure that you fully understand them to avoid any future implication.


As your wealth luck is not strong this year, avoid making high risk investment as it may result in financial problem. Manage your finances and expenditure wisely to avoid wealth loss. Presence of inauspicious star also means that wealth will come and go swiftly this year. It is advisable to be prepared for rainy days by saving portion of your income. Business owners should reduce unnecessary expense and be prudent in your finances. Avoid taking loans, lending your money and be guarantor, unless it’s really necessary.


Romance and relationship luck is affected, as you are prone to miscommunication and conflict this year. Be more understanding and tolerant when disagreement arises. Avoid saying harsh words and being sarcastic on others. Refrain from offending anyone and pay attention to maintaining good interpersonal relationships.


Under the influence of inauspicious stars (白虎, 地殺) you should also pay more attention to traffic safety and rules to prevent accidents. Avoid high risk physical activities to prevent injuries.



◎ 白虎,地殺,天雄

Year of Birth

1959   1971   1983

1995   2007   2019


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