Spiritual Liberation and Karma Cleansing Ritual
Buddhism ritual to guide spiritual being towards liberation and way into Sukhavati Buddhism Pure Land 西方极乐净土 to be free from sufferings. There are two types of professional Buddhism rituals for this purpose:
Buddhism Three Saints of the West Ritual
Invitation of 西方三圣 Three Saints of the West,Pure Land Buddhism namely Buddha Amitabha 阿弥陀佛, Bodhisattva Guan Yin 观世音菩萨 and Bodhisattva Da Shi Zhi 大势至菩萨 to guide departed one and Karma to Sukhavati Buddhism Pure Land to liberate from sufferings.
Buddhism Hundred Deities Ritual
Invitation of Hundred peaceful and wrathful deities 文武百尊/靜忿百尊/寂忿百尊 to guide departed one and Karma to Sukhavati Buddhism Pure Land to liberate from sufferings.
Most suitable to be conducted for departed soul within 49 days after death.
Columbarium Niche Selection
Pre-planning for your loved ones by selecting a good Fengshui niche location for them to rest in peace in future. This benefit your loved ones as well as descendants of your family. Selected niche space will assist to bring blessing to future generations. Niche selection with fengshui principles and Bazi of departed one Bazi 八字 put into consideration to benefit departed ones, assisting them to settle more smoothly and peacefully in afterlife.
Urn Placement Auspicious Date and Time Selection
Auspicious date and time select for urn placement to enable departed one to move into niche space and transit into afterlife with minimal spiritual obstacle.
Niche Cleansing Ritual
Taoism and Buddhism ritual to cleanse niche space before urn placement so as to allow departed person ash to rest in cleansed and blessed energy space.
Please contact us at +65 87161961 for further discuss on your requirement and request for quotation.