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Writer's pictureMaster Tan Wee Keong

2019 Goat Zodiac Forecast

Born in the Year of Goat

1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003


With Artistic star (华盖) shinning on those born in the year of Goat this year, this year you may find your having more ideas and creativity. There is also auspicious Golden Vault (金匱), thus you enjoy wealth luck this year. Unfortunately, there are a few inauspicious stars, such as White Tiger star (白虎), Heavenly Impact star (天殺) and Heavenly Grief star (天哭) that will be affecting you. Therefore, you may encounter more challenging situations and get more emotional this year. Be steadfast and brave in facing obstacles, you will overcome the challenges. Furthermore, you should avoid step out and get involve in argument and conflict, as it may bring more problems to you thereafter. Lastly, it is inauspicious for you to make too many long distance oversea travelling this year.


Though you enjoy wealth luck because of auspicious Golden Vault star (金匱). Inauspicious stars White Tiger star (白虎), Heavenly Impact star (天殺) and Heavenly Grief star (天哭) are bringing tough situations and emotional pressure to you. If you do not handle stress well, your wealth luck will be dampened and bring lawsuits instead. Do not let your emotion affects your rationale in make investment decision.


You may experience pressure and conflict at work and home. Just be more considerate and tolerate, conflicts can be resolved. Thus you may have to put in extra effort to maintain family relationship. Handle your emotion and pressure well, things will be turn out fine. You are also advise to refrain from offending anyone and pay attention to maintaining good interpersonal relationships.

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